Saturday 27 December 2014


Hi! long time no see...
 I have been absent from my blog for quite a while (well.. the entirety of Michaelmas term...). Clearly failed to do both my academic work and post blogs. Having settled back at home, I decide to do a blog post and guess what I find out? All the photos are no longer visible. They had been replaced by a grey error icon. If anyone has any clue as to why that may have happened, please let me know! Anyway, this put me off doing anything on this blog but I've finally dealt with that issue and have made some slight changes to my blog (title being one of them).
 Since it is nearly the end of the year, there are a few thing I would like to get done by the end of the year. I'm posting my 'to do list' up in the hope that a) I would actually get these things done and b)inform anyone (who may be remotely interested for any particular reason) as to where I'm going with this blog.

To do list for 2014

  • finish the 'Road trip to the Swiss Alps' series (I'm aware this is long over due!!)
  • Christmas 2015 (This year it has been the most Christmassy Christmas for me so I feel the need to do a blog post on this)

Aim for 2015

  • Post one Blog post per week (this includes lifestyle, beauty and any other exciting thing that happens in my life!)
Well, I better get going with this plan!